Saturday, March 29, 2008

Hair today....erm... not really.

So I shaved my head yesterday. Just so you know.
Most people think it looks cool--although their smiles while telling me so make me doubt their honesty. On the other hand, some people screamed in horror and some died on the spot, the glare of the sun being magnified off my shiny pate. But there was this one guy. This one guy I got more ticked off by than all the other laughers and starers. Guess what this wiseass says...
"You shouldn't have gotten it done."
All I could think right then was, geez, dude, thanks for the timely advice. What kind of person comes and tells you that you did the wrong thing, if it can't be easily undone? Nobody thinks before they speak these days. Some people don't say things they should (because they clearly haven't worked out the ramifications of keeping mum) and some people say things they REALLY shouldn't (because they clearly haven't worked out the ramifications of blabbing out things).
(Some eight hours later...)
Meh... forget it. Not that pissed off right now...
(And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how a day changes me.)


Gauri Gharpure said...

must feel so light and airy... this post has a lot of laughs, bless the guy who advised u a day too late ..

Tip said...

hi. Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog.

Well I am the lingerie one ;-)

and yes a quite similar story has happened to me now. I GOT SPECS !, the reactions that you got and the one that I am getting right now are quite similar

Will write a blog on it soon

Do check it out then
