Sunday, June 29, 2008

New News

I'm excited. After months of wondering how to start writing, here it is, something to finally get me back to writing. Aimlessly. The only writing that keeps me happy, sane: the aimless kind. It's like when I pick up my guitar, attempt the blues, aimlessly. I'm not writing songs; I'm just playing. For fuck's sake.

So why haven't I written? Well, this keyboard, and every other keyboard I've put my hands on, has been in an uncreative, uninspiring place. This time, I'm taking my tools with me. Pen and paper.

I went and bought a notebook---the traditional kind. The kind you open and find it has loads of blank pages that could get filled in an instant, or remain blank an eternity. The kind you gotta plug your mind into, not the internet. The kind you can't erase words from as easily. The kind you won't find anything else to do with but write.

And I'm going, right now, to buy a pen. A fountain pen. My favourite kind.

Disclaimer: I seem overly judgemental of the computer/notebook PC. I'm not. I still love my PC, for the gate to knowledge that it is.


Gauri Gharpure said...

fresh pages that request to be filled up...

there's something haunting about the time when a pen drifts all on its own to scribble something on a blank page. resulting in either some junk words, some secrets or some detailed doodles. yes, u r right-- writing, the aimless, traditional kinds is comforting.. something everyone should try once in a while...

quite a long time b/w the silver jubilee and a new post, btw! nice to read again.

Miss Alister said...

Good plan, man! I assume we, meaning the blog world, will be made privy to some of the intriguing things that flow from the universe to your head to that traditional notebook? Just checking. Also, there’s probably a good reason you haven’t mentioned doing this, but when I read about your unfriendly keyboard location(s), naturally I thought of customization. In my computer area I got rid of irritating stuff and hung cool pictures on the walls, put a water garden on a nearby bookshelf, put a ficus tree in the corner with little white lights strung in it, hung a suncatcher in the window… VoilĂ ! Instant inspiration spinning off the myriad possibilities that bubble up out of coziness. Yap yap... Well you know what I mean! ;-)

Insomniac said...

Coincidence or not, I went and bought myself a writing notebook too. After staring at the screen for hours and Failing at typing out my thoughts, I picked up the pen. And I wrote. No comments on how good the stuff that I wrote was, but it was straight from the heart and it cleared out my head... I guess thats all that matters..

All the best to you too... Not all who are aimless are lost, I guess

void said...

Yes, there is. And I'd almost forgotten how captivating it was to spill your soul on a piece of paper, let alone 80 pieces of paper. So, all in all, good fun is to be had.

Of course you will. My notebook's like a blog, just...offline. :) In fact, I've already got something written that I'll have up here as soon as I get to typing it out.

First, welcome. Second, my Simpsons' Almanac tells me Apu is still a boy's name. Third, glad to know I'm not alone. Would you consider posting some stuff? I won't judge; I never do. :)