Wednesday, August 13, 2008

You want in?

Here's a bit.


Miss Alister said...

Kewl, as “they” say, this Muxtape. There’s not much room for music in my busy head, but in addition to my guitar gods I like a little Coldplay like I see you do. Liked Kweller’s “Make It Up” as well. Good to see some action here. Was just in the ‘hood so stopped by, also as "they" say. These days I’m just looking, not writing :-)

void said...

Thanks for visiting Muxtape, MissA.

If you've (or anyone else has) gone there recently, you'll notice that the RIAA has screwed up one more good thing online.

I don't believe piracy is good, but it's a necessary evil. Something that will hopefully change how listen to and get our hands on music.