Thursday, September 4, 2008

Flashing Fiction & Living Life

I'm trying my hand at flash fiction, and it's god-damned tough.

Tried one contest before, got burned. Trying another one now, will probably get burned for focusing all of my research on my writing and not on the actual piece of fiction.

Meanwhile, I'll probably be posting most of my fiction here.

Life As A Box is my current entry, I'll post the older (read: spurned) one in a bit.

Meanwhile, my arrears in salary have arrived and I'm going to by new shoes with it. I'd feel like a girl if I wasn't wearing ripped shoes right now. New shoes, a pair of jeans (to replace ones which are also currently ripped), some shirts (to replace ones which have holes burned in them, thanks to some drunken smoking) and hopefully an external hard-disk to save my life on (which is mostly stored in office right now, although some of it is floating in cyberspace).

I feel like I've been living with all the bad parts of a hobo's life, and none of the good ones (read: travelling).

For people I meet in the flesh, no, that wasn't a complaint. I merely made an observation.


Miss Alister said...

Dude! You drop outta sight for a few days shy of a month and then POW there’s all this cool stuff. In my mind, at least, I have no choice now but to swamp your blog with a downpour of verbiage...

OK, first I love your sense of humor, your tongue-in-cheek, self-deprecating, particular brand of humor in this post and past posts like Ranty Martins and Hair today…and I’m thinking Why not do way more of that, too, in addition to flashing your god-damned tough fiction?

Second, tumblr is way cool with its scrapbook concept—no muss, no fuss, and purty, too.

And on concepts, I liked the life as a box concept. You could sell it almost right outta the box as a kids book. I can’t keep my hands off stuff, though, you know, so I’d probably have torqued it around and gone the other way with it, started out with no hope like, “I was stamped out into the world, one of the mass-produced, like a cookie-cutter ghetto kid in a cookie-cutter slum, expected only to take up useless, starving space before being kicked out and beaten back down to the dust I came from…” and led readers on like that, dropping only hints of box-ness and never actually identifying it as a box...but I’m just dark and cruel like that ;-)

And rejection letters? Hurts so good... Remember the story of JK Rowling...and then picture yourself as one of the 8 fool publishers that rejected something as big a hit as Harry Potter! Oooh, now that hadta hurt!

K, I’m done, overdone, burnt like the holes in your shirts. Rock on with all this good stuff like the spectacular Damian Rice, I say!

Goldbug said...

i tried flash fiction too! god. it's tough writing under pressure but it's easier than writing at will.
i like your tag post as well... i get the singing thing.. i'm usually humming through lunch as well. it drives people batty.

void said...

You're always so kicked about what I do, I couldn't help but keep at this. Hey, why don't you try working that story your way? I'm sure you'd come up with something way better. Your idea sounds great. I tried it once, with another flash fiction piece that didn't work out so much. I'll post it one of these days, on that purty lil tumblog.

Writing at will? Yea, that's quite tough. The only writing I find easy to do is the kind that doesn't require me to start a thought, but continue an existing one.

People usually freak when I start singing Damien Rice. If you've heard Mr. Rice's songs, you'll know why.