Saturday, April 26, 2008

A little update...

I want to quit my job. Really. If there has ever been anything that could take the fun out of listening to music, this is it. I write about music; well, I'm supposed to. But I haven't felt for anything that I've written in a long time. Since March of last year, working for an article that was released in April. I wrote something critical actually, but I had fun writing it. It wasn't merely an update of what was happening in so-and-so's life, but an analysis of a certain situation, and a certain stance that the artist had adopted. Okay, fuck that, I hate talking vaguely. So the Dixie Chicks had just won some Grammys and everyone was ooh-aahing about them being so coolly rebellious. But I didn't think so. And that was the one, and only, time that I expressed my a music magazine. I don't think music magazines were meant to suppress opinions or only print positively. I could be wrong; please tell me if you think so. I think that music magazines do two things: educate and instigate. Because that's what music does. Music educates you; life, love, politics, religion. Everything that you hear is supposed to make you think. And music instigates you. It is muse-ic (if you'll forgive the pun). It inspires you to create, inspires you to use your mind for once in your follow-the-well-trodden-path life. So that's what we're supposed to do too, right? Wrong. Apparently I'm wrong. If I am, then I'd rather be wrong than suck up. I'd rather be wrong than hope that people pick up my magazine just because I agree with them. Ooh, he's hot... Ooh, she's hot. That's all I hear. Stop it already; stop swallowing everything so effortlessly just because it's sugar-coated. That's what I did for the first 20-odd years of my life, but these 4-5 years after my 'rebirth', they have been the only ones that have mattered. Ignorance may be bliss, but it's not for me, it's not for us.

So, yea, I want to quit.


Miss Alister said...

You got the working man’s blues for sure. I wanted to quit my telecom job the whole time I had it. But I worked all that out. I see from your writing that you’re sharp and in tune (forgive the pun), so you’ll work it all out too. Anyway, you just got done going on with an awesome passion about why you do write about music. And so by the end you’ve now got the reader all rah-rah with you going Yes! music is meant to make you think, and what you think you should do and write and be! ...and then you say you wanna quit? Crash. Maybe you should quit, maybe you shouldn’t...maybe you should stick your tongue in your cheek, roll your eyes and write the stuff that puts food on your table and write whatever the hell you want somewhere else... Whatever feels right and works :-)

void said...

Good point. Food for thought. Thanks.

Gauri Gharpure said...

:) my situation is the right opposite.. am looking for something that really really makes me feel good and is worth a day's work and money.. I am too choosy, (and lazy often), get bored easily and not having the 'need' to actually go out in search of bread and butter mars things further. Motivation is the word I guess. As of now, I completely lack that..