Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Quarter Century. Silver Jubilee. Mid-life crisis?

So this is what it's like to feel 25, eh? I think I'm having a mid-life crisis. Which, if I did my math right (and I do suck at math), means that 50 is it for me. Anything above that and I'm living on borrowed time. Which I don't mind borrowing, provided I'm loaded, still as hot as I am (someone's laughing in my head. Wtf? Shut up back there!) and, well, doing whatever I want to do.

Which brings me back to... Huh? What's that sign say? '' Argh! How'd I get here again? No, no, I'm not doing this... besides, if I go by MissAlister's theory (which I'm sure has been well researched) I'm not supposed to know for at least another 20 years. So there!

Although the whole point of knowing is lost if my life expectancy is 50. So...

Anyhoo, enjoy this day. Have a pint on me. Cheers!


Miss Alister said...

LOL! Midlife crisis at 25, I love it! According to your theory you’ll be endowed with the wisdom of the ages in a couple of hours, days or months maybe (I suck at math, too). What if (one of your favorite mood games) your theory and mine collide?! If they did, by the time you “get it,” you’ll have only five years left to live... Ewww! Dude! Just right now, will you please just pretend that you know?! Present the ideas in your head authoritatively as if they are tried-and-true philosophies. And answer others’ questions with your best common sense solutions masquerading as brilliance. Bluff your way through for godssake! You know, kind of like I do, just did… ;-)

Miss Alister said...

Oh YO! you owe 3USD for that pint I had in your honor! ;-)

void said...

Okay then! So I'll try pretending. But if someone calls my bluff, I'm really going to have to reveal my guru (read: you). A buddy of mine does this quite well. You'd never know he was bluffing. I, on the other hand, usually end up with all of the cards. But screw that! I'm 25 now. Gotta shake things up. So yes, I will do as you say.

Oh, and about that pint. Well, either I come down to whereveryouare, USA and give you the money, or I find a place where I pay 3USD for a pint here, and have one on you. What do you think?

Miss Alister said...

So! It’s been a couple of days. Howz pretendin goin? ;-) Does even your buddy, the champeen bluffer, now think you’ve entered the untouchable realm of knowing, perhaps more profoundly, more accessibly than even him? Or has someone called your bluff and you need me to kick some ass? ;-)
Either way, hey, if your money’s burning a hole in your pocket and you wanna fly to NY, have at it! Or you can wait until my pipe dream to visit Ramesh Balsekar in Mumbai comes true. Hell, why don’t you just have a pint in Bang-galore and keep the 80 sem-odd cents in change? ;-)

Gauri Gharpure said...

another hard to forget b'day-- my sis ws also born on may 21! :).. hope u had a happy b'day..
also, i hope one week down the 25th year, u ve figured something abt handling the midlife crisis, if there's anything like it, i.e..

void said...
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void said...

MissAlister, Well, I'm not there YET. But I'm starting to get there. I've fooled a few people into buying that I've actually got a clue. So you don't have to kick ass just yet. Wait a bit, I'm sure I'll call on your services at some point. : )

And no, my money's not burning a hole in my pocket. In fact, the moths have actually set up permanent residences there, they're sure they won't be moving out any time soon. The bastards.

Gauri, A belated happy birthday to your sis then! One week down? No, not much, although MissAlister had some good advice.